酸辣粉 130g


Ingredients: Vermicelli: sweet potato starch, corn starch, tapioca starch,
food acid E330, refined vegetable oil, water; Seasoning powder: salt, sugar, chili, spices, food flavoring, flavor enhancer E635, E621, sweetner E951; seasoning sauce: soybean oil, rapeseed oil, water, dried onion, ginger, dried garlic, bean paste, soy bean bag: bean section (soybean powder, water, salt); Vineger sachet: vineger, sugar; Peanut bag: peanut, soybean oil, chili, zanthoxylum, pepper, salt, flavor enhancer E621; Chili oil: soybean oil, chili powder, salt, stir-fried sesame, sugar, spice, coloring E160c.
Produced in China.
Nutritional value per 100g:
energy 1446kJ/346kcal; fat 9,8g, of which saturates 0g; carbohydrates 57,3g, of which sugars 0g; protein 6,4g; salt 1,77g.
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